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Information obligation according to §5 e-commerce law, §14 company code, §63 trade regulations and disclosure obligation according to §25 media law.

Legal provider identification

Amino Pull

MMag. Robert Brandstetter

Römerstrasse 1

4076 St. Marienkirchen an der Polsenz


Telephone: +43 650 77 57 733 

VAT ID: ATU 68620904


Managing Director:

Paul Sokic, MBA, MSc

MMag. Robert Brandstetter

Mag. Dr. Dietmar Hans Hofstetter, BSc, BA

Legal information about the website

All texts, images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless third-party copyrights exist. In any case, duplication, distribution or public reproduction is only permitted with the revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider.

The provider assumes no responsibility for any web content connected by means of cross-references (links), since this is not his own content. The linked pages were checked for illegal content, at the time of linking such was not recognizable. The operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content. The provider has no general monitoring and testing obligation in this regard. However, if an infringement of the law becomes known, the corresponding link will be removed immediately.

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